Water Fed Pole

Water Fed Pole Options: Deciding What Is Best For Your Business

Carbon fibre water fed poles are the best option for any new and long-standing business. These poles are extremely lightweight, low flex at high levels and are extremely sturdy. While the initial cost may be somewhat daunting for a new business person, the value far outweighs the initial cost, which is easily recouped over time.

Carbon fibre water fed poles come with several different options. Deciding on the options for your specific business depends on what sort of washing, cleaning you will be doing. The following article will outline what options you have available.

Telescopic Water Poles

The two most common types of carbon fibre water fed poles are telescopic water fed and modular water fed poles.  The difference between the two is simply how each pole extends.

Extension of a telescopic carbon fibre pole is easy – adjust clamps,, extend sections and tighten clamps back. The telescopic system does add weight to the pole, but fatigue is not possible towards the end of the day with carbon fibre. 

Modular Water Poles

The modular poles do not extend but stack. The modular poles come in sections and can be added or removed as is necessary. The modular system reduces overall pole weight as well, since the entire length of the pole is not contained within a single unit.

The one drawback to modular carbon fibre poles is the amount of time necessary to add and remove sections.. This can take away from the time needed for cleaning and can slow down  the work day.

Telescopic/Modular Combo Poles

The telescopic and modular carbon fibre poles can be combined into a third option for your water fed pole needs. The combo pole uses the telescopic water fed pole construction until a certain height.

Modular pieces can be added to the bottom to increase length as necessary. In terms of the three options, the combo poles are the most expensive of the already expensive carbon fibre poles.


The carbon fibre pole system does have many  options with the poles themselves. Business owners can elect for a variety of protective handles, pole weight, section diameter and pole strength.

While useful in many situations, do not look to the features as a sole reason for your carbon fibre water fed pole option. Consider the flexibility of the three options for carbon fibre pole lengths mentioned previously to drive your business needs decision.